Enemies Unleashed Kickstarting August 6

By Published On: August 3rd, 2024Categories: Enemies Unleashed, Kickstarter, Superheroes0 Comments

Supervillains escape prison and are on the loose!

Looking for a supervillain to challenge your players in a superhero RPG? What about a whole bunch of villains, all connected by a narrative thread, but all easily capable of being dropped into nearly any campaign setting? My friend, what you’re looking for is Enemies Unleashed!

This PDF contains 17 highly-detailed supervillains, all of whom are escapees from the Wildstone Bay prison. Each supervillain has information on what role they played in the jailbreak, whether or not (and how) they can be redeemed, plus their backstory, tactics, and powers. Both the prison and the supervillains who escaped are designed to be easily incorporated into your campaign with adventure hooks to help you find a way to give your players a new threat to face!

Enemies Unleashed is launching on kickstarter on August 6, so don’t miss this chance to Unleash a higher caliber of supervillain into your campaign!